


Vygotskian Parallels with Thomas Jefferson & John Dewey(Gary Glen Price)


In this analysis, I consider Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) and the cultural-historical approach alongside two American (U.S.) thinkers—Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) and John Dewey (1859-1952). The point of this comparison is neither to venerate nor to denigrate Vygotsky’s contribution. Instead, by exploring some general similarities and subtle dissimilarities, I hope to increase understand-ing of the cultural-historical approach and identify its parallels with touchstones in American educational thought. Perhaps, too, the exercise will suggest new socio-educational possibilities. Sometimes my analysis sets Vygotsky alongside Jefferson and Dewey, using semi-parallel treatment. At other times, Vygotsky is present as the lens through which the other two are viewed.

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